Kvadraturen for children - Akershus festning
Akershus is Oslo’s fortress, which once defended the city from enemies. It is several hundred years old and has never been conquered.
Photo: Tove Solbakken / Byantikvaren
A part of the tour Kvadraturen for children
Between 1287 and 1300 the construction of Akershus fortress begun, after the medivial town of Oslo was robbed and burned to the ground. The Norwegian king wanted a strong fortification that could protect the city.
Photo: Photo: J.T. C. Mensberg / Oslo Museum
Oil painting of Akershus festning, painted by J. T. C. Mensberg i 1844
This is how soldiers at Akershus fortress was dressed in the mid-1700s.
Photo: Photo: Carl Bertram / Nasjonalbiblioteket